About me

Music producer, (ex-)DJ, electronics tinkerer, Linux enthusiast and coder.

Infrared motion sensor camera with Raspberry Pi Zero W, part 2

I decided to start with something simple like watching live video from the Pi camera on the local network. Raspbian comes with the raspivid utility, often used to simply record or pass camera picture to the HDMI output, but it's suitable for much more than that, especially with VLC, a multipurpose video toolkit.

Infrared motion sensor camera with Raspberry Pi Zero W, part 1

I've been planning to build a prototype battery-operated motion sensor camera using the latest addition to the Raspberry Pi family tree, the Zero W, which is quite a remarkable device for something smaller than my thumb. Even the wireless antenna seems quite revolutionary. With WiFi and Bluetooth built in, this tiny computer will be more than perfect for many IoT projects.

Context menu additions for sharing files in S3 buckets

Some time ago I wrote about mounting Amazon S3 buckets into your home directory, and I wanted to get automatic public URLs for sharing some of the files I stuff in my cloud buckets. I got it working quite effortlessly by writing a small script and adding a context menu item to my file manager.

Using systemd to mount S3 buckets into your home directory

If you do web development or use cloud storage for backups, you may have heard of Amazon S3 which offers dirt-cheap storage for both private and public use. Data in S3 is split into "buckets", which can be configured individually and may contain folder structures.
Then there's S3FS (S3 File System) that allows accessing S3 just as easily as local files. The few tutorials I found used /etc/fstab to auto-mount buckets, but that's not very smart on a desktop computer with multiple users, each managing buckets of their own. Besides, editing /etc/fstab can be very dangerous to newbies. That's why I looked for a way to achieve the same and more without touching any system-wide configuration. The only part that even needs sudo privileges is installing the S3FS package.

If you've used Linux servers or desktops for some time, you've probably heard of systemd, which allows creating your own background services (daemons) relatively easily. The real beauty about it is that adding user-specific services is equally easy, and in my experience they are more reliable than processes started using the classic "Startup Applications" tool.

I'll walk you through to combine those three building blocks into an automatic service that brings your S3 files right under your home directory on a Linux desktop computer. This should work as-is on any recent Debian, Ubuntu or a derivative operating system, and with some changes on others, too (forget about Windows, though).

Oh, so now I'm a blogger

Since I pretty much write for a living these days, I never thought I'd find enough energy and time to start blogging, especially after I ended my Twitter life as too time-consuming, but here we are.

I noticed that I've written a huge collection of notes that, with some refining, might be useful to others as well, and writing helps me remember new stuff that I keep learning. I guess those are valid reasons to start blogging.

I'm not quite sure which subjects I'll concentrate on, so that remains to be seen. Right now I'm building some exciting things with Raspberry Pi and a few other single board computers, so those might provide something to write about. I'm also studying Ardour and OpenShot for music and video production in Linux-based operating systems (currently I'm running mostly Ubuntu MATE, which I can recommend for both beginners and professionals). I've grown to hate Windows with all its weirdness, slowness, security problems, privacy issues and whatnot, so I really don't want to rely on it anymore. That's not a problem these days, as free, open-source software is plentiful and mostly good enough – occasionally even better than their commercial alternatives.

So, welcome, random reader. I'll publish my first Linux- and cloud-related tutorial next.

P.S. If you wonder what "Maniacland" is, it's how I misread "Manicaland" when I first visited Zimbabwe, and the locals thought it was hilarious.